Crownlite is as an innovative prime manufacturer focusing on quality commercial, industrial, and institutional architectural lighting systems for over 60 years.
Our involvement has varied from in-depth engineering evaluation, computerized modeling, optical, lighting, and custom fixture design, to bidding on customer supplied specifications and bills of material.
We bring a special awareness of design, product, and production that will make a critical difference in the performance of your lighting project.
When you specify Crownlite, whether for sophisticated high quality specification grade or standard product, you are engaging as complete a package of services as you desire: design, prototyping, engineering, manufacturing, instruction and installation guides, field training, drop shipment, and warehousing.
And, we only select vendors who are equally expert in their respective specialty areas: Extrusions, Automated CNC machining, Sheet metal, Finishing (both powder coating and anodizing), electrical and optical components, Electro-mechanical assembly, packaging, etc.
We offer a single organization able to responsibly support your project from initial concept and design through final installation and field follow-up; UL Listed/Union made IBEW. We look forward to working with you.
For a listing of a few of the many architectural projects we have participated in, please click on the "Complete Article" link, below:
» Complete Article - View/Print/Save (PDF)