Plug-in wiring is one of the only options to most any lighting or display system that will save cost in all areas: Material, Labor, and Overhead, resulting in a more profitable job for the contractor and a more cost effective project for the owner. It is a classic WIN-WIN for all.
Crownlite can supply the design, engineering, and all the material needed for most plug-in wiring systems, regardless of simplicity or complexity. They are especially useful in meeting UL65 Wired Cabinet requirements.
Plug-in wiring systems (PIWS) come in many flavors depending on the specific needs of the building and lighting system:
1. Complete plug-in building wiring system that is used to support all the distribution wiring throughout the facility of which the plug-in lighting system is but a part.
2. Plug-in wiring limited to the lighting system only, usually in the form of plug-in whips and integral harnesses with mating plugs pre-wired into the fixtures.
Whether simple or complex, the plug-in wiring for the lighting system needs to be defined and characterized to insure the right system is specified. There are 4 basic plug-in wiring configurations that need to be considered:
1. Continuous end-to-end runs of fixtures using thru-wiring
2. Individually surfaced mounted fixtures
3. Individually mounted suspended fixtures
4. Ceiling conduit/box runs with periodic individual fixture drops
5. And, there are others specific to special applications.
Meeting NEC requirements and using UL listed components, rated for 20 amps per circuit, and armored Greenfield cabling, these systems can be designed for:
1. Meeting UL65 requirements
2. 1-3 circuits (single to three phase)
3. 3-6 wire (B,W,R,Br,Blu + G ground)
5. Iinclude separate neutral and grounding conductors.
6. Almost any run length can be accommodated.
There are several simple but important questions needing answers before we can help you design, engineer, and quote your plug-in wiring system:
1. How many fixtures are in the system?
2. Distance between fixtures?
3. Suspension length, if any?
5. Number of circuits required?
6. How will the phases be balanced?
7. How the wiring will be installed and supported?
8. Will plug-in pigtails be required.
9. Will there be any free ends (ends without plugs)?
10. What will the conduit runs look like?
To get started saving money and improving the margins on your next lighting project, Please >> Contact Crownlite.
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