A Prime Manufacturer of Quality Engineered Energy Saving Lighting Fixtures Since 1948

Crownlite is as an innovative prime manufacturer focused on quality energy saving commercial, industrial, and institutional architectural lighting systems for over 60 years.
We bring a special awareness of design, product, and production that will make a critical difference in the performance of your lighting project.
When you specify Crownlite, you are engaging as complete a package of services as you desire: Lighting design and layout, Lighting fixture design, prototyping, engineering, manufacturing, instruction and installation guides, field training, drop shipment, and warehousing.
It is critical your projects lighting performance goals are met and only credible and realizable expectations are offered to your client. Computer modeling of prototype areas is just one of the many support services Crownlite offers. If this service is of interest, please review the information on
» Computerized Lighting System Design Assistance for more details.
We offer a single organization. able to responsibly support your project from initial concept and design through final installation and field follow-up; UL Listed/Union made IBEW.